Dr. Paul Friesen

Dr. Paul Friesen

Dr. Paul Friesen

OTS (1983)

Paul, an Anglican priest, served as University Chaplain for the (Anglican) Diocese of Nova Scotia and P.E.I.; as priest-in-charge of King's College Chapel, Halifax; and as a consultant to other campuses in the Halifax area after his graduation from OTS. 

He has taught at Wycliffe College, Tyndale Bible College, OTS, and Wilfred Laurier University, and is on the faculty of King's College. He won the Award of Excellence from the Toronto Historical Board in 2000. 

Since receiving his Distinguished Alumnus Award, Paul has marked 15 years as an Adjunct Professor at the Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax, teaching courses in Anglican theology, sacraments and history to Anglican postulants. As well, he has served as the mentor to many Anglican ministry interns at St. Paul's Church, Halifax, where he continues to serve, since being appointed in 2005.