John Francis Holliday

John Francis Holliday

John Francis Holliday

TBC (1921)

"Count not the passing years, but rather weigh the task, attempted every passing day; Life is not theirs who know not how to live, how strive to gather, but forget to give; He liveth best, who though his days be few, renders to God and man a service good and true." (R. F. Pechey)

“John and Luella spent 50 years as labourers together with God, and through that half a century they rendered to God and man, a service good and true,” the Evangelical Recorder wrote in the December 1972 edition.

“They have laboured in pastorates for over 35 years; they have served their denomination; they have held high the torch of evangelism; they have been involved in the cause of Christian education in Canada.”

John served both as seminary professor and President of Central Baptist Seminary, which bestowed upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity. He also served as a chaplain in the Canadian Army during the Second World War.

“Thus few areas of Christian service have been left untouched by our ‘Alumni of the Year,’ and what they have not touched, their children have touched, by the enabling grace of God upon their ministries,” the Recorder noted, adding, “A half century of Christian service, good and true, has come from the lives of two people who asked only that they might serve the Lord together.”