Rev. Orim Meikle

Rev. Orim Meikle

Rev. Orim Meikle

OBC (BRS  1997)

Orim first attended Tyndale (OBC) simply to gain a deeper understanding of the Word of God, and yet the more time he spent there, the more he felt a call to pastoral ministry.

Before graduating, he received an invitation to teach at a local Bible college, where he shared his vision with a small subset of his students. Together, they founded the early stages of Rhema Christian Ministries in 1999, which quickly burgeoned into a vibrant ministry.

“I really had to lean on my Tyndale experiences as I found myself doing so many things at once, he said. “It was God who allowed us to manage the growth.”

Orim became the Senior Pastor of Rhema Christian Ministries of Canada Inc., which bloomed to more than 2,000 members, and also the Executive Chairman of Rhema Canada Inc., the entity that governs Rhema's global foundation and educational development corporation.