Dr. Karyn Gordon

Dr. Karyn Gordon

Dr. Karyn Gordon

OTS (MDiv  1997)

During her studies at Tyndale, Karyn often felt conflicted, knowing she was not called to traditional full-time ministry like many of her classmates. 

At a chapel service, she learned that “some of us are called specifically to be a light to the world. That was the most liberating message for me,” she said. The speaker’s words helped alter the direction her career would take as a leader in the secular world.

As the founder and CEO of DK Leadership, Karyn specializes in Emotional Intelligence for a clientele ranging from young people seeking clarity for their future careers to executives of Fortune 500 companies pursuing leadership development.

Although her work may not obviously intersect with her faith, she finds that people often ask her about what she believes in. These encounters at business conferences and places outside church settings have allowed for honest conversations about faith with people who would not normally enter a church.