Rev. Dr. David Hazzard

Rev. Dr. David Hazzard

Rev. Dr. David Hazzard

OTS (MTS, DMin  2019)

Prior to coming to OTS, David served as Assistant Pastor of the Kitchener (Ontario) Gospel Temple for two years. He came to OTS with the plan of a teaching ministry in a Third World theological institution.

He made outstanding contributions as a missionary and pastor:

  • Having completed his degree at OTS, he and his family moved to Kenya, where he taught theology for three years at the Pan Africa Christian College.
  • Returning to Canada with his family, he spent six years as Senior Pastor at Evangel Pentecostal Assembly in Edmonton. In 1994, he accepted the call to Queensway Cathedral in Toronto as Senior Pastor, one of the largest Pentecostal churches in Canada. David was first elected to the General Executive of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) in 1998, while still pastoring at Queensway.