Tyndale University
Open Learning Centre
Tyndale Open Learning Centre offers educational programming, consulting, and services to support members of the community and the local church. We draw from Tyndale's academic resources to provide on-the-ground support to pastors, missionaries, educators, spiritual directors, families, churches and businesses.
Open Learning Centres
Tyndale operates multiple centres founded to address different professional, community and pastoral needs.
Centre for Redemptive Entrepreneurship
The Centre for Redemptive Entrepreneurship is a creative engine for Canadian redemptive entrepreneurship – to equip, support, and mentor young innovators motivated by their faith to shape culture through entrepreneurship.
Hudson Taylor Centre
The Hudson Taylor Centre for Chinese Ministries is dedicated to serve the global Chinese Church. 戴德生華人事工中心是為服侍全球華人教會而設。
Tyndale Centre for Grief and Loss
Our commitment is to accompany those who mourn as well as to be a resource for the church, professionals and the general public.
Tyndale Intercultural Ministries Centre
Tyndale Intercultural Ministries (TIM) Centre provides intercultural resources for networking, training and research using the city's diversity as a setting for practical application to course work and resource development.
Tyndale Leadership Centre
Tyndale Leadership Centre's goal is to provide training in leadership development, continuing education for leaders and creating a place to talk about leadership.
Tyndale Spiritual Formation Centre
Tyndale Spiritual Formation Centre is dedicated to helping you become the person God intends you to be. TSFC integrates the mission and vision of Tyndale.