M.T.K. Wou

M.T.K. Wou
In the year 1906 the Lord called me to his service, and I answered Him as Moses answered, “O Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore nor since Thou hast spoken to thy servant, for I am slow of speech and of slow tongue.” But by his mercy through his grace He accepted me to be his servant to work in his vineyard.
His own guidance brought me to Toronto and led me to the Bible college. During this period of three years of study I enjoyed in every way the spirit of fellowship, of love, the value of the instruction by the various instructors.
Since the completion of the course of study I have felt it profitable to me, and gave me power to preach his Word and deal with men. I have never been discouraged or downhearted, for the study has strengthened me to carry on the Lord’s work and answer every man’s questions.
Mr. Wou was president of the Toronto Chinese Christian Association.