Dorothy Francklin

Dorothy Francklin

Dorothy Francklin

TBC (1934)

Dorothy was not only a graduate of TBC, but was also a graduate nurse. Nursing for Christ's sake in Bolivia was not only her avocation, but her calling; her opportunity to show the love of Christ that, early in her own life, claimed allegiance and obedience to the Lord.

For 35 years between 1934 and 1969, this missionary nurse served under the Canadian Baptist Overseas Mission Board. After her return to Canada for a “so-called” retirement, she continued to minister in her homeland.

She wrote a book of her lifelong service, named appropriately Happy In His Service. In it, she quoted a poem written by her father who was a faithful prayer supporter of his daughter and her missionary endeavours:

"Thou hast gone for me, to speak the words my lips should tell of him who hath done all things well. ... Thou hast gone for me to loneliness, to sin's dark night, to bear for me the Torch of Light.”

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