Rev. W.W. White

Rev. W.W. White

Rev. W.W. White

TBC (1913)

I could not express in word even if I were to attempt such a thing, what Toronto Bible College has meant for me, so I am giving forth each day a living testimony, because all the theology I have obtained, I owe to the Bible College.

The influence of the prayer circle in the side room has been one of the abiding assets. I believe there is no place where a Christian worker can spend three years to better advantage than in the Toronto Bible College.

The interdenominational spirit has been a great help to me in my field of labour here in Westford, Vermont. When I came here six years ago, there were three churches, each supporting separate services, now we are united in one body, and I am ministering to the entire community.

I am glad to be still wired up with the Toronto Bible College, and may the Master’s blessing be the generating current.