Felicia Fischhoff

Felicia Fischhoff

Felicia Fischhoff

Tyndale (MDiv  2023)

As a result of a traumatic and difficult childhood, Felicia’s relationship with God developed into a passion to be an ally and advocate for those who are suffering. After meeting her husband-to-be, she joined a group of individuals who were supporting a survivor of sex trafficking to get free from their trafficker.

After marriage, Felicia and Michael cofounded the charitable organization Fight4Freedom.

Although the charity was cofounded before Felicia attended Tyndale, where she earned an MDiv in Clinical Counselling in 2023, she said, “It has definitely enriched the ways in which I experienced and thought of ministry and leadership.”

“Over the past few years, I have had the unique opportunity to see prayers answered in tangible ways, lives changed and healed, hope restored – something I will never take for granted,” she said.