Daniel Dorman

Daniel Dorman
Daniel Dorman, who earned a Bachelor of Arts, double majoring in Biblical Studies and Theology and English from Tyndale, is currently the Managing Editor and Director of Operations at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, a leading public policy think tank based in Ottawa.
He earned an MA in English from the University of Ottawa, focusing his Master's research on providing a conservative, Christian response to Critical Theory through the writings of G.K. Chesterton.
He then worked as a Legislative Assistant to a Member of Parliament, and staffed the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Other work included a brief stint with Partners International, which allowed him to support church planting work across the globe, and to travel into Ukraine as part of a humanitarian aid mission in the Fall of 2022.
Daniel has published a range of both literary and theological essays as well as political op-eds, and is a Christian singer-songwriter and folk musician.