Rev. W.F. Roadhouse

Rev. W.F. Roadhouse

Rev. W.F. Roadhouse

TBTS (1900)

Things the Bible College has meant to me as I think back over the years:

  • A return to systematic study – how we wrestled with the New Testament Greek, the first few weeks, especially “the vairb,” as our dear old Scotch teacher called it.
  • A foundation of Scripture truth for subsequent building. How our Bible grew in scope and meaning and preciousness to us.
  • A training in Methods of Christian Service – man-to-man evangelism, mission work, visitation, gospel preaching, all these came to be with us a passion.
  • A deepening of our personal spiritual life, and this by the way of a once-for-all surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ, followed by a daily, maintained yieldedness to Him.

And I have sought in the years since then to heed the apostolic injunction – “the things that thou hast heard .. the same commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also.”

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