The 130th Anniversary Homecoming Celebration drew hundreds of alumni and friends to Tyndale University on September 28, 2024.
For 130 years, God has used Tyndale in the lives of so many students who have had their lives shaped by their educational experiences at Tyndale and its predecessor schools.
In honour of this milestone, Tyndale has created a web-based collage of short biographies and photos of alumni from each of those schools:
- Toronto Bible Training School (1894-1912, Toronto Bible College (1912-1968),
- London Bible Institute (1935-1951),
- London Bible Institute and Theological Seminary (1951-1962),
- London College of Bible and Missions (1962-1968),
- Ontario Bible College (1968-1976, Ontario Theological Seminary (1976 est.),
- Tyndale College & Seminary (1968-2003),
- Tyndale University College & Seminary (2003-2020), and Tyndale University (2020-present).
In 1968, at the merging of Toronto Bible College and London College of Bible and Missions, Distinguished Alumnus Oswald J. Smith, TBC 1912, who is profiled on the website, led alumni in a song that he wrote as an encouragement that is still apropos today:
“There is joy in serving Jesus, as I journey on my way; Joy that fills my heart with gladness every hour of every day. Chorus: There is joy, joy, joy in serving Jesus. Joy that throbs within my heart; every moment, every hour. As I draw upon His power there is joy, joy, joy that never shall depart."
The afternoon event celebrated nine OBC graduates from the Class of 1974, marking 50 years since their graduation: Dr. Charles Nienkirchen, Noemi Jenei, Theodora Nandy, Sylvia Pitts Fry, William (Bill) Thorpe, Rev. Al King, and Douglas Rhude, James Tughan, and Janet Hartford.
The 2024 Distinguished Alumni Awards recipients were then introduced by Dr. Paul Franks, Vice President Academic and Dean of Undergraduate Studies; and Dr. Michael Krause, Vice President Academic and Interim Dean of the Seminary & Graduate Studies. The recipients are:
- Daniel Dorman, BA 2019 (Horizon Award: Undergraduate)
- Rev. Jervis Djokoto, MDiv 2020 (Horizon Award: Seminary)
- Lillian Conti (La Polla), BRE 2005 (Community Impact)
- Peter Jon Mitchell, MTS 2002, ThM 2011 (National Impact)
- Rev. Karen Lam, MTS 2007 (Global Impact)
- Rev. Dr. Grant Gordon, BTh 1964 (Lifetime Impact)
A special Distinguished Alumnus award was given to Rev. Dr. Tim Li-Hui Tang, MDiv 2000, in memoriam.
Just a year ago, Tyndale lost a friend, alumnus and colleague with Tim’s sudden passing. Tim was Director of the Tyndale Intercultural Ministries (TIM) Centre when he passed away.
Songs of worship were provided by the Tyndale Band Music Ensemble under the direction of Dr. Ken Michell, chair of the Department of Music.
A Breath Prayer of gratitude, submission and commissioning ended with these words spoken by all: “Here we are, gathered in Your name, and filled with Your breath. Breathe Your life into this community, that we may be strengthened for service and renewed in mission. As we look back to the past, submit to Your will in the present, and dream and hope for the future, we turn to You, Everlasting God, Holy One, our Provider, Protector, and Righteousness, and ask You to go before us with Your grace.”
The day culminated in a special evening lecture on Psalm 139. Alumni and friends were led into an exploration of the psalm from three perspectives: An Old Testament scholar (Dr. Andy Witt, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies & Theology), a worship professor (Dr. Ken Michell), and a jazz musician (Mike Janzen).
For those who missed the event, the Chapel services can be found on Tyndale Chapel’s YouTube channel:
Scroll down for a slideshow of the event.