Tyndale Faculty Publications


Dr. James Pedlar, Article in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Romantic-Era Women's Writing

School: Seminary & Graduate

Model for counseling people in relationships

Dr. Vincent Poon, Article in Canadian Fam Physician

School: Seminary & Graduate

Model of counseling for family doctors

Dr. Vincent Poon, Article in Canadian Fam Physician

School: Seminary & Graduate

Mormon Crisis

Dr. James Beverley

School: Seminary & Graduate

Morphophonemic alternations in the initial consonants of stems in Olunyole, a Luyia Bantu language

, Article in CanIL Electronic Working Papers

School: Undergraduate

Movement disorders and other motor abnormalities in adults with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

Dr. W.L. Alan Fung, Article in American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A

School: Undergraduate

Music Learning in an Online Affinity Space: Using a Mobile Application to Create Interactions During Independent Musical Instrument Practice

Dr. Heather Birch, Dissertation or Thesis in Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto

School: Undergraduate

Narratives and therapy

Dr. Vincent Poon, Article in Canadian Fam Physician

School: Seminary & Graduate

Nelson Science Perspectives 10

School: Undergraduate
