Dr. Barbara Leung Lai

Dr. Barbara M. Leung Lai

Research Professor of Old Testament


Methodologically located in the inter-disciplinary terrain of Social Sciences and Biblical Studies, she distinguishes herself in the advancement of psychological approaches to Biblical texts and themes.

Dr. Leung Lai came to Tyndale in 1997 after 20 years of teaching and equipping ministries in the East and West. She previously taught at Evangel Theological Seminary of Hong Kong (as a missionary with the Evangelical Free Church of North America) and McMaster Divinity College. During her last two sabbatical leaves, she served as Visiting Scholar at Fuller (2003), Princeton (2004), and was a Reader at Tyndale House (Cambridge, England, 2012).

Upon her retirement in July, 2017, she has been reappointed as Research Professor of Old Testament. While continuing her service as Scholar Associate of Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, she is on adjunct faculty at Carey Theological College in Vancouver. Dr. Leung Lai serves the broader academic community through adjunct teaching internationally.

Dr. Leung Lai has been a frequent presenter at scholarly and professional gatherings (SBL, ISBL, IBR, CETF, and global consultations). She is the author of three academic monographs, and is currently working on a new book in the area of "memoir as a biblical genre." Dr. Leung Lai has published articles in peer-reviewed journals, chapters in academic books and festschrifts, articles in study Bibles, invited book reviews, and dictionary entries. She is a member of the editorial team for the International Journal of Literature and Arts. Other than teaching and scholarship, Dr. Leung Lai serves the church community as a sought-after consultant in the area of appropriating the Old Testament to the contemporary human and ecclesiastical contexts.

Faculty Publications

Academic Credentials

PhD, University of Sheffield, England, 1997
ThM, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, 1979 
MDiv, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1976 
BTh, Alliance Bible Seminary, 1972 

Areas of Specialization

Wisdom Literature, Apocalyptic Literature, Psychological Approaches to Biblical Themes and Texts, Social Sciences and the Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, Text and Reading, Gender-Culture Studies, Contextual Biblical Interpretation, Appropriation/Relevance Theories, Memoir as a Biblical Genre (Nehemiah and Deuteronomy)

Favourite Place on Campus


Favourite Place in Toronto

Edwards Botanical Garden