Dr. Patrick Franklin

Dr. Patrick S Franklin

Associate Professor of Theology


Dr. Franklin is a leader and bridge-builder engaging the church, the academy, and the public sphere. He is an expert in ecclesiology, trinitarian theology, Christian ethics, and the life and thought of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. His first book, Being Human, Being Church (Paternoster, 2016) explores how our conceptions of human personhood deeply impact our understanding and practices of community and church, personal and public ethics, and spirituality and social justice. Dr. Franklin is President of the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation and formerly served as the Book Review Editor of Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, the journal of the American Scientific Affiliation and Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation. He is the author of several peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, spanning topics such as the human person, missional ecclesiology, trinitarian theology, the atonement, creation and fall, theological interpretation of Scripture, women in ministry, faith and science, and the writings of various theological thinkers (e.g., Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Julian of Norwich, Lesslie Newbigin, Stanley Hauerwas, Alisdair MacIntyre, Francis Watson, Stephen Fowl). An experienced pastor and scholar, Dr. Franklin speaks regularly at public events, conferences, and churches, and provides ethics training and consulting to various organizations. He and his wife, Elena, serve in ministry together (as pastors and church planters) and together they are raising three children.

Faculty Publications

Academic Credentials

PhD, McMaster Divinity College, 2011
ThM, Regent College, 2004 
MDiv, Tyndale Seminary, 2001 
BA, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1998 

Areas of Specialization

Ecclesiology, Theological Anthropology, Trinitarian Theology, Science and Christian faith, Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Popular Courses

  • Systematic Theology
  • Theology of the Human Person
  • Christology
  • Trinity
  • Christian Ethics

Favourite Place on Campus

The chapel. It's hard to compete with the chapel, really. Not only is it beautiful, inviting, and contemplative; it's also where I get to gather weekly with my colleagues and students to worship the God who centres our lives and binds us together as brothers and sisters in Christ. Pretty awesome!

Favourite Place in Toronto

Right downtown, watching a Jays game or trying out a new restaurant.