Dr. Wafik Wahba

Dr. Wafik Wahba

Professor of Global Christianity


Dr. Wahba first came to Tyndale as adjunct professor of theology in 1998, having previously taught contextualized theology at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo, Egypt, as well as having pastored churches in Chicago and Toronto. Dr. Wahba has taught theology and intercultural studies in the United States, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and South America. Dr. Wahba is one of 31 contemporary reformed theologians who have contributed to The Future of Reformed Theology, edited by Willis, David & Welker, Michael, (Eerdmans, 1999). Dr. Wahba has also published in Zur Zunkunft Der Reformierten Theologie, (Neukirchener Verlag, 1998). He co-led the unit on Theological Education for Mission at the 2004 Forum of Lausanne Committee in Pattaya, Thailand and is one of the authors of “Effective Theological Education for World Evangelization” Lausanne Occasional Paper No. 57, (May 2005). Dr. Wahba serves on the Board of Directors for several international Christian organizations.

Academic Credentials

BA, Ain Shams University, 1980 
BTh, Evangelical Seminary (Cairo, Egypt) 
MATS, McCormick Theological Seminary (Chicago), 1985 
ThM, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1987 
PhD, Northwestern University, 1997

Areas of Specialization

Global Christianity, Cultural Contextualization, Theology, Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies