Prepare-Enrich On Line Training Seminar

Event Date(s): Sat, 2024/11/02 - 9:00am to 12:30pm
Event Location: Online
Event Type: General

Prepare/Enrich is a diagnostic inventory program which will assess:

  • Relationship scales in communication, conflict resolution, finance and relationship roles 
  • Personality scales dealing with personal stress, style and habits
  • Couple and family scales dealing with couple and family life experiences

Trainer: Dr. David Sherbino

Interested? Contact Dr. Sherbino by email at joel [at] parispresb [dot] ca.
You will receive a registration form by email.


  • Cost: $249
  • Student or Tyndale Alumni discount price: $225
  • Special Spousal Fee: $100
  • *If your spouse is trained with you, they receive the training for $100. You receive one registration number per couple but access to all the material.

When you are registered you will receive all documents and the zoom link the week prior to the seminar.

Registration Deadline: Thursday Oct 31 2024

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