Seminary & Graduate Courses |
The following is a list of Seminary & Graduate courses offered at Tyndale University.
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Displaying 361 - 370 of 370
YMIN 0551 ‐ Intergenerational Faith Formation (3 credit hours)
Same as SPIR 0551.
YMIN 0553 ‐ Spirituality for Generations Z & Alpha (3 credit hours)
Same as SPIR 0553.
YMIN 0570 ‐ Directed Reading and Research (3 credit hours)
Directed Reading and Research (DRR) courses allow students to study in a specific area of interest not addressed by the scheduled course offerings. Permission required.
YMIN 0592 ‐ Foundations of Ministry with Youth (3 credit hours)
In the context of an ever-changing culture, youth workers must be ready to assess and develop ways of reaching and discipling today’s adolescents. Designed to present a theological, sociological and philosophical foundation for youth ministry. One-third of the course is focused on understanding adolescents, one-third on building youth programs, and the last third on skills needed in youth ministry. Designed for both a foundation for professional youth workers, for lead pastors in small churches and those counselling adolescents.
YMIN 0596 ‐ Children, Youth Ministry and the Changing Family (3 credit hours)
Same as CHED 0596 and PAST 0596.
YMIN 0598 ‐ Creativity and Change in Ministry (3 credit hours)
Often we are educated in critical thinking in preparation for ministry. However, in the field of the professional ministry, thinking that generates new solutions is one of the greatest needs. The church must navigate the current culture of constant change, staying fresh while holding on to eternal truths. Examines the processes of creative thinking and how it relates to problem solving and initiating opportunities in ministry. The processes of change in an organization will also be examined, recognizing that one of the roles of the leader is that of a change agent. Same as PAST 0598.
YMIN 0670-0675 ‐ Special Topics in Youth and Family Ministry (3 credit hours)
Examination of specific topics in youth and family ministry.
YMIN 0690 ‐ Social Justice and Youth at Risk (3 credit hours)
Youth in urban centres are exposed to unique challenges. Offers an examination of critical contemporary issues affecting adolescents: family, poverty, drugs, homelessness, etc. The challenges facing the church in terms of intervention, advocacy and empowerment will also be explored. Team taught by a series of experts in the field of youth at risk.
YMIN 0693 ‐ Evangelism and Discipleship (3 credit hours)
Examines the theological principles and practical ministry strategies involved in evangelism and discipleship. Several models of evangelism and discipleship will be explored, including both the content and the methods. Valuable for anyone in ministry who has the final goals of evangelism and discipleship. Same as CHED 0693 and PAST 0693.
YMIN 0697 ‐ Engaging the Next Generation (3 credit hours)
The Next Generation (early, middle, late and extended adolescence) is in a time of focused self-definition. They face “big questions” coloured by culture and their development. This course will identify how to bring the gospel to the Next Generation’s questions. Learning styles, teaching strategies, and curriculum offerings are examined in relation to creative communication and teaching with adolescents. Special attention is given to their narratives and storytelling.