Natasha Daley

Natasha Daley (BA, 2018)

Distinguished Alumni Horizon Award, 2023

woman smiling in a dark blue dress

For Natasha Daley, the practice of law is not done in a vacuum.

That’s why she sought out Tyndale to pursue a BA in Health and Human Services with a minor in psychology before going on to law school. “I chose Tyndale because I wanted to grow deeper in my faith, and strengthen my relationship with God, while obtaining a degree that would help me achieve my career goals,” she says.

Natasha graduated as Valedictorian of the Class of 2018, and received the Health and Human Services Gold Medal Award as the top graduating student in her program.

While at Tyndale, she also cofounded the Black Educators of Tyndale (BET).

“I cofounded BET to help current and future Black and racialized students feel more welcomed, supported and engaged within the Tyndale community,” she says. “It was a passion project … that means so much to me.”

In September 2018, she commenced a combined-degree program at the University of Windsor, Faculty of Law, graduating law school with her Master of Social Work and Juris Doctor degrees in 2022. “The knowledge and skills I gained [at Tyndale and UWindsor] provided me with a unique lens through which I now view the law,” she says. “I see my place in the legal profession as being equipped to use the law as a vehicle for social change.”

Natasha was called to the Bar in June 2023, and is currently employed with the Ministry of the Attorney General as a judicial law clerk at the Court of Appeal for Ontario.

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