Submitting Assignments & Late Policy

Submitting Assignments & Late Policy | Undergraduate Academic Policies

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Major assignments will be specified at the beginning of a semester in the course syllabus, so that students can organize their time effectively. All essays and other written assignments shall be written at the university level as far as grammar, style and structure are concerned. When this is not the case, instructors shall:

  • Comment in writing on the deficient parts of the essay or other written assignment;
  • Recommend that the student get help from the Centre for Academic Excellence; and
  • Lower the grade in proportion to the seriousness of the deficiency.

Research papers for undergraduate courses should conform to the style requested by the professor. A summary of the three standard forms is found on the Writing Consultation website. Students are required to keep backup copies of all assignments submitted.

Electronic Submission

  1. For courses where electronic submission of assignments is required, it is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the instructor has received the assignment by the established due date and to ensure that the assignment submitted is the complete and correct version.
  2. Any student may be requested to submit papers in electronic form to facilitate the professor’s routine checks for academic fraud.

Late Assignments

Assignments should be submitted on the due date in order to receive full credit. The penalty for unexcused late assignments will be determined by the following scale:

  1. For each day or part thereof late, the instructor will reduce the assigned grade by one- third of a letter; e.g., “A” to “A-,” “B+” to “B.” Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are excluded from the reckoning.
  2. The above policy should be considered as being in effect unless the instructor indicates otherwise at the beginning of the semester in the syllabus. Instructors have the prerogative of implementing their own late assignment policies for individual courses.
  3. Excessively late assignments may receive no credit and result in failure. In some subjects, no late assignments will be accepted for credit, and this will be communicated to the students at the beginning of the course.

Extensions on Assignments

No instructor may grant extensions on any assignments, nor accept assignments after the final day of exams in the fall or winter semesters. Students requiring extension must follow the procedures outlined below.

Penalties for late assignments and attendance expectations will be stipulated in each course syllabus. The following procedure will be followed for students requesting extensions:

  1. If a student is not able to complete all assignments within a course by the last day of exams, the student may appeal to the Registrar for an extension. Such an appeal should be made in writing using a form available from the Office of the Registrar or Office of the Registraronline.
  2. Extensions will be granted by the Registrar only in cases where the student was clearly prevented from completing the assignments by circumstances beyond his or her control (e.g., hospitalization, illness documented by a note from a doctor, etc.). Extensions are not granted for what best could be described as “poor time management” or “over involvement” in an extracurricular activity.
  3. If a student is unsure if he or she has a valid reason to appeal, the student may wish to discuss the matter with the Registrar or the Dean of Student Life.
  4. If an extension or grade of “incomplete” is granted by the Registrar, all work for the course will be due with a new deadline. Once an “incomplete” is granted, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor and make satisfactory arrangements to complete the outstanding work.
  5. Failure to submit assignments by the deadline will result in failing grades (a grade of “F”) on those assignments, and the final grades on courses will be calculated accordingly.
  6. The decision of the Registrar may be appealed in writing to the Academic Standards Committee. The Academic Standards Committee will respond in writing to the student and provide a copy of the decision to the various parties. The decision of the Academic Standards Committee is final.

Assignment Policy for Spring/Summer Courses

The Undergraduate Studies policy on assignments for fall and winter courses also applies to spring/summer courses. Instructors have the prerogative of implementing their own late assignment policies for individual courses.

Final assignments for spring/summer courses must be submitted by the due date outlined in the course syllabus, which must be no later than three weeks after the final scheduled class of the course.

Assignment Policy for Modular Courses

Students in modular courses should refer to the assignment policy noted in the Student Guide for Modular Programs in conjunction with the policies outlined in the Academic Calendar.