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Faithful attendance at classes is an important indicator of student maturity and involvement. Class attendance and participation are part of the evaluation of the student and may have a bearing on the final grade for the course.
When a student misses a significant number of classes because of illness, he or she should notify the Dean of Student Life in person or by phone. The student will need to submit a doctor’s certificate upon return. The Dean of Student Life will notify the student’s professors of the reason for the absence and suggest that they take this reason into consideration when grading assignments.
The Undergraduate faculty have adopted the following guidelines to define student responsibilities in this matter and to assist the student in developing a disciplined life.
Attendance Policy for Fall and Winter Courses:
Absence from once-per-week courses
1 or 2 absences:
Absence from class for any reason (including illness) is permitted twice without penalty.
3 or 4 absences:
Students with three or four absences without legitimate reason will lose one grade level from their total course grade. Legitimate absences include personal illness or injury or death in the immediate family. Students are responsible to report to the instructor the reason for all absences.
5 absences or more:
Absenteeism for any reason that exceeds four absences will automatically mean the student has chosen not to complete the course and a grade of “F” will be assigned. Students who are absent because of extended illness or injury verified by a doctor’s certificate are eligible to apply through the Academic Standards Committee for permission to complete the subject. If excessive absenteeism due to illness or injury extends into the following semester, the student must have a reduced load in the following semester.
Absence from twice-per-week courses
1 to 4 absences:
Absence from class for any reason (including illness) is permitted four times without penalty.
5 to 8 absences:
Students with five to eight absences without legitimate reason will lose one grade level from their total course grade. Legitimate absences include personal illness or injury or death in the immediate family. Students are responsible to report to the instructor the reason for all absences.
9 absences or more:
Absenteeism for any reason that exceeds eight absences will automatically mean the student has chosen not to complete the course, and a grade of “F” will be assigned. Students who are absent because of extended illness or injury verified by a doctor’s certificate are eligible to apply through the Academic Standards Committee for permission to complete the subject. If excessive absenteeism due to illness or injury extends into the following semester, the student must have a reduced load in the following semester.
Attendance Policy for Spring/Summer Courses:
Absence from 6-week courses (two classes per week)
1 or 2 absences:
Absence from class for any reason (including illness) is permitted twice without penalty.
3 or 4 absences:
Students with three or four absences without legitimate reason will lose one grade level from their total course grade. Legitimate absences include personal illness or injury or death in the immediate family. Students are responsible to report to the instructor the reason for all absences.
5 absences or more:
Absenteeism for any reason that exceeds four absences will automatically mean the student has chosen not to complete the course, and a grade of “F” will be assigned. Students who are absent because of extended illness or injury (verified by a doctor’s certificate) are eligible to apply through the Academic Standards Committee for permission to complete the subject. If excessive absenteeism due to illness or injury extends into the following semester, the student must have a reduced load in the following semester.
Absence from 1-week intensive courses (five days per week) and weekend courses (five consecutive Saturdays)
As a result of the intensive nature of the 1-week and weekend courses, attendance in each class is a requirement for these types of courses.
Any unexcused absence from an intensive course indicates that a student has chosen not to complete the course, and a grade of “F” will be assigned.
1 absence:
Students may be granted one excused absence for legitimate reasons, including personal illness, injury or death in the immediate family. Students are responsible to report to the instructor the reason for all absences.
2 absences or more:
Students who are absent because of extended illness or injury (verified by a doctor’s certificate) are eligible to apply through the Academic Standards Committee for permission to complete the subject.
Attendance Policy for Modular Courses
Students in modular courses should refer to the attendance policy noted in the Student Guide for Modular Programs (a supplement to the Academic Calendar).
The above policies should be considered as being in effect unless the instructor indicates otherwise at the beginning of the semester. Instructors have the prerogative of instituting their own attendance policies for individual courses.