John N. Gladstone

Dr. John N. Gladstone
Reverend Dr. John N. Gladstone was appointed Chancellor by the Board of Governors in the year 2000. Dr. Gladstone served with distinction in one of Canada’s historic pulpits at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church from 1965-1991. His vision for the church in society challenged the evangelical community to rethink their calling to be salt and light in this age.
The son of a Baptist minister, Dr. Gladstone was born in London, England. After serving in the Royal Air Force, he studied at Manchester Bible College. Upon graduation, he served in several Baptist churches in Britain. In 1965, he accepted the call to be the minister at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church and was later honored with a Doctor of Divinity in 1970 by McMaster University.
Dr. Brian Stiller, President of Tyndale, said, “As the oldest college of its kind in Canada, we needed a person such as Dr. Gladstone, who is able to bridge excellence in the academy with relevance in the marketplace. His role as Chancellor symbolizes our commitment to ensure both excellence and relevance here at Tyndale. We are delighted by his willingness to serve in this way.”