Invited book review of Chairman Mao Meets the Apostle Paul: Christianity, Communism, and the Hope for China

Invited book review of Chairman Mao Meets the Apostle Paul: Christianity, Communism, and the Hope for China
By Dr. Barabara Leung Lai
This book explores the impact of Marxist politics and culture on China's traditions, particularly its theological worldview. It is equal parts Christian apologetic (with Yeo using the ideas of the Apostle Paul to challenge Mao's theories of society and utopianism) and academic text. Yeo, a Chinese biblical scholar, writes well, but the book is too specialized for the general reader. ("Sinification," "tropological" and "a-utopian" are not words that trip lightly off the tongue.) However, scholars will value his thorough approach, skill at comparative thinking, clear distinction between Marxism and Maoism (two ideologies that are often conflated) and deep knowledge of Christian theology. (May) Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Issue #: 2003
Volume #: Review of Biblical Literature
Review in: Chairman Mao Meets the Apostle Paul: Christianity, Communism, and the Hope for China
Published in: 2003