Dr. Alden Gannett

Dr. Alden Gannett
Dr. Alden Gannett was President of London College of Bible and Missions (Tyndale) from 1954 to 1957. He was born near Geneva, New York and received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Houghton College and Master of Theology and Doctor of Theology degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary. Before becoming President of London College of Bible and Missions (LCBM), he served as a pastor in multiple churches in western New York, and as a pastor and professor at Dallas Theological Seminary in Texas.
As President of LCBM, Dr. Gannett oversaw the school become an associate member in the Accrediting Association of Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges; the introduction of a college-level program; the enlargement of the Stewardship Fellowship Plan for giving, and the establishment of a men’s dormitory.
After serving at LCBM, he was President of Southeastern Bible College in Birmingham, Alabama from 1960 to 1969, and again, from 1972 to 1981.
Because of his gifts for teaching, preaching and administration, Dr. Gannett’s life was a rich blessing in every realm of school life. This made him a highly sought after preacher and speaker in Canada and the United States.
Dr. Gannett was the husband of Georgetta, and father to four children, Keith, Ronald, Mary-Lynn and Stevie. He passed away on September 23, 2001 at the age of 80.