President to Retire in June 2020

President to Retire in June 2020

Dr. Gary V. Nelson, President and Vice Chancellor of Tyndale University College & SeminaryAt the most recent Board of Governors meeting on January 25th, 2019 DR. GARY V. NELSON, President and Vice Chancellor, announced his plans for retirement as president at the end of his term in June 2020.

“I have been blessed to live a life of ministry that has been full and rich,” says Dr. Nelson. “It has afforded me opportunities I would never have anticipated or dreamed about. To serve Tyndale as President at this stage of my life has provided an opportunity in which so many of the passions nurtured by God in my life over the years have found a place of convergence. I will always consider this time of service as a gift from God.”

The Board of Governors has authorized the Executive Committee to direct the process of finding a new President and Vice-Chancellor. This process, which is in the early stage, will include an opportunity for input from faculty, staff, students, board members, alumni and other constituent groups at a variety of town hall meetings. These will be facilitated by Aileen Van Ginkel, Governor, Chair of the Board Development Committee and Executive Committee member.

“We are so grateful for Dr. Nelson’s commitment to Tyndale’s vision and mission and his exceptional leadership over the past decade,” says Steven Holmes, Chair of the Board of Governors. “During the next year and a half we will be working closely together through this season of transition.”

At the time of Dr. Nelson’s retirement, he will have completed his second, five-year term.

“In the final eighteen months of my tenure as President I have no intention of being passive in my leadership role. I have committed to the Board and the Executive to create a healthy platform for the incoming President and to work diligently for my remaining time as President.”