Extended Healthcare Benefits for Students

Extended Healthcare Benefits for Students

A doctor telescope

On June 8, 2022, Tyndale University announced it would be implementing a plan for Extended Healthcare Benefits beginning this fall.

We are pleased to provide you with additional information and updates about the programs.

  • If you are an American Student, International (non-American) student or Domestic student, please visit mystudentplan.ca and select “Tyndale University” from the drop-down menu. This will take you to a unique portal that provides information about the programs and how it works. Information on the Extended Healthcare Benefits for all students can be found at mystudentplan.ca/tyndale/en/mybenefits.
  • Information on the Emergency Medical Plan, which applies only to American and International (non-American) students studying in Canada, can be found at mystudentplan.ca/tyndale/en/mycanadaplan/plan-enrollment
  • If you are an American or International (non-American) student studying in Canada you will have already received information regarding the mandatory health plan.
  • If you have enrolled in two or more courses at Tyndale you will automatically be enrolled in the Extended Healthcare Benefits program. The program is mandatory unless you have equivalent coverage already in place. If so, you may wish to opt out of Tyndale’s Extended Healthcare Benefits program. Forms for opting out can be found at mystudentplan.ca/tyndale/en/forms

    Opt out dates:
    • BEd students – opt out by August 31, 2022 (the coverage period is August 1, 2022 – August 31, 2023)
    • Undergraduate, Graduate, Seminary and DMin students – opt out by September 30, 2022. (the coverage period is September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2023)
  • During the first 45 days of your enrollment you will need to pay out of pocket for your expenses. Please keep your receipts as you will need to submit a request for reimbursement after the validation period has passed either through the providers e-claim app or via a manual form. Additional details can be found at mystudentplan.ca/tyndale/en/making-a-claim.
  • After the validation period you will need to register for a benefits e-card eprofile.claimsecure.com/?dest=register. This card will allow direct billing by the service provider, meaning that you will only be responsible to pay for the portion not covered by the plan.
  • It is important that you keep your mailing address information up to date with Tyndale University. This information will be used by the insurer from time to time to verify your identity. If you have a change in mailing address information, please update this by clicking on the “Address/Phone” update box by logging into classes.tyndale.ca.
  • Tyndale previously shared its partnership with the Student Benefit Alliance. The company has since changed their name, which you will notice on the website. They are now referred to as Gallivan Student Health & Wellness. If you have questions, please email tyndaleplan@mystudentplan.ca