Change in Seminary Leadership

Change in Seminary Leadership

Seminary classroom with students taking notes

Effective January 1, 2020, Dr. Janet L. Clark, Senior Vice President Academic and Academic Dean of the Seminary, will be on a year-long sabbatical. Upon her return, Dr. Clark will step down from her role as the Seminary Academic Dean and will explore new ways, with the new President, to contribute to the mission of Tyndale.

Dr. Janet L. Clark

Dr. Clark has served as Academic Dean for 15 years. Her education and experience in professional counselling and international service have shaped her lifelong interests in intercultural competence, counselling, theological education and the global church. She is Past-President of the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) and serves on a number of boards.

“Dr. Clark has served Tyndale so well and her leadership has led to remarkable growth in the Seminary through new partnerships, innovation, distributed learning initiatives and the development of new programs,” says Gary V. Nelson, Tyndale University College & Seminary’s President and Vice-Chancellor. “Her skillful wisdom has brought momentum and a sense of collegiality at the Seminary that many other schools simply hope for. This time of research and study is well deserved.”

Dr. Arnold Neufeldt-Fast, Associate Academic Dean has been appointed interim Acting Dean of Tyndale Seminary during this period. Dr. Neufeldt-Fast has worked closely with Dr. Clark. Most recently, they completed the Tyndale Seminary self-study and coordinated the site visit for the Association of Theological Schools’ (ATS) Commission on Accrediting which led to the successful reaccreditation through to 2029.

Dr. Arnold Neufeldt-Fast

Dr. Neufeld-Fast brings a strong background in teaching and administration as well as international exposure. He has taught primarily theology and ethics as well as courses in Christian spirituality. He is also an ordained minister in the Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada.

“Dr. Neufeldt-Fast is well positioned to continue the important work of the faculty and will provide wise leadership and continuity during this time of transition to a new President” states Dr. Nelson.