News & Articles Archive

Tyndale Seminary Faculty Update

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tyndale Seminary faculty members are researching and teaching across a diverse range of academic disciplines. The following are some recent contributions that faculty members have made to their field of research: Dr. Barbara M. Leung Lai, Professor of Old Testament, had two articles published in...

Tyndale University College Faculty Update

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Tyndale University College faculty members are researching and teaching across a diverse range of academic disciplines. The following are some of the recent contributions that faculty members have made to their field of research: Dr. Brad Faught, Professor of History, is currently on a six-month...

Tyndale celebrates Easter in the Chapel

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The first annual Easter in the Chapel event was a beautiful, moving celebration of the resurrected Christ. The service took place in the stunning Bayview Chapel on April 11, 2015. The Tyndale community worshipped together, celebrating Christ’s resurrection and God’s work in our...

Dr. Rupen Das appointed Research Professor of Social Justice

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Tyndale Seminary is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Rupen Das as Research Professor of Social Justice, Compassion and Development. Dr. Janet Clark, Senior Vice President Academic and Academic Dean of the Seminary, gives her warm congratulations: “Dr. Rupen Das brings knowledge and...

New vocabulary for holy living in the 21st century

Thursday, April 2, 2015

There is a need for new vocabulary in regards to how we approach the subject of holiness, and how we live it out. “Holiness is a theme of Scripture that is not about what God does to us or for us,” said Dr. Kevin Mannoia during his keynote lecture at the seventh annual Wesley Studies...

Tyndale’s final move to the Bayview campus has begun

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Tyndale is pleased to announce that the final transition to the Bayview campus has begun. The physical move from the Ballyconnor campus will start on Monday, April 6, and continue throughout the month of April.  Upgrades to parts of the building are still in progress and the exterior site...

The Power of Celebration

Friday, March 27, 2015

“We are people of resurrection,” said Dr. Carolyn Weber at Tyndale’s Gather Chapel. Carolyn is the award-winning author of Surprised by Oxford (Thomas Nelson, 2011), and was the first female dean at St. Peter’s College, Oxford University. Carolyn has specialized in the...

Delivering your sermon with passion

Thursday, March 19, 2015

“The Word of God is alive and active,” says Dr. Kevin Livingston, Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry. The Bible is relevant, and we do not need to “make” it relevant. Preaching is not bringing the biblical text into our modern setting, rather, it is inviting people to...

Successful first year for Tyndale competitive sports teams

Friday, March 13, 2015

This year Tyndale launched new competitive sports teams in men’s and women’s volleyball, women’s basketball and men’s ice hockey under the new athletic brand, the Tyndale Guardians. Spencer Healey [BA Biblical Studies & Theology 2015] is the captain of Tyndale’s...

Tyndale students thank our supporters

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

On Wednesday, February 25, the Tyndale community celebrated the third annual Tuition Free Forward Day. This is the date that represents the end of tuition being paid for by students and the beginning of tuition fees being provided by Tyndale supporters. Without Tyndale’s supporters, students...

J. William Horsey Library name will continue

Friday, March 6, 2015

J. William Horsey, Chairman of the Board of Governors of Toronto Bible College (TBC) in the 1960s and namesake of Tyndale’s library, was a business man who believed in strong biblical values. “True leadership calls for personal sacrifice, courage and faith,” he said in an address...

Dr. Paul Gould on C.S. Lewis and Christian Platonism

Friday, February 20, 2015

“The questions we must ask,” Dr. Paul Gould said in last week’s lecture, “are ‘Where are you standing?', 'Which culture do you inhabit?' and ‘What sort of person do you want to be?’” Dr. Paul Gould, Assistant Professor of Philosophy...

Funding your university education

Friday, February 13, 2015

80 per cent of financial aid in Canada is not given away because no one requests it or applies for it. At Tyndale, over 800 students, or 62 per cent of all full- and part-time students, received financial aid in 2013 and 2014. There are many ways to receive financial aid as a Tyndale student,...

Tyndale President Dr. Gary Nelson extends term through 2020

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Tyndale University College & Seminary, a leading Canadian Christian university and seminary, announced today that Dr. Gary Nelson has extended his term as President and Vice Chancellor through 2020.  “We have been thrilled with Dr. Nelson’s leadership as he directed us through...

Living out alternative models of church

Friday, February 6, 2015

Dr. Michael Krause, Director of the Internship Program and Assistant Professor of Christian Ministry, believes that alternative church models are increasingly popular in Canada, rather than in the United States. In his view, Canadians have accepted the fact that we live in a secular nation. “...
