At Tyndale, every student is assigned a faculty advisor. Your faculty advisor will help you navigate academic policies and offer advice about choosing your major and taking the right courses. We want you take advantage of all the academic opportunities Tyndale has to offer and we know that it can be complicated. We also know that you are in the process of discovering your gifts and passions. Your faculty advisor can help you think through career possibilities and life after university.
Your faculty advisor is a resource to help you. You, the student, are responsible for your educational experience. It is up to you to fulfill your program requirements and follow the academic policies and procedures, as written in the Tyndale Undergraduate Academic Calendar.
You are assigned a faculty advisor based on your current academic program. If you change your program, your Faculty Advisor will change. If you are registered in a double major program, you will need to see the Faculty Advisor that corresponds with each major. See below for programs and corresponding Faculty Advisors.
Bachelor of Arts
- Biblical Studies & Theology - Dr. Benjamin Reynolds
- Biblical Studies and Theology - Dr. Andrew Witt
- Biblical Studies & Theology (PAONL) - Dr. Benjamin Reynolds
- Biology and Chemistry - Prof. Joseph Bishay
- Business Administration - Dr. Paul Franks
- Christian Ministries Minor - Dr. Bradley Noel
- English - Dr. Scott Masson
- History and Global Studies - Dr. Brad Faught
- Health and Human Services - Brenda Ho
- Human Services (ECE) - Brenda Ho
- Human Services (SSW) - Brendo Ho
- International Development - Dr. Paul Franks
- Linguistics - Dr. Paul Arsenault
- Music - Dr. Ken Michell
- Philosophy - Dr. Richard Davis
- Psychology - Dr. Nancy Ross
Bachelor of Business Administration
Business Administration - Dr. Paul Franks
Bachelor of Religious Education
- DCP and Modular Program - Dr. Daniel Scott
- General Ministries - Dr. Daniel Scott
- Pastoral Ministry - Dr. Daniel Scott
- Youth Ministry - Dr. Daniel Scott
Certificate in Christian Studies
Transitions - Sharon Chuah
Centre for Service Learning
Coordinator of Service Learning - Allyson MacLeod
Expectations of Faculty Advisors
You can expect your advisors to:
- Be knowledgeable about your program requirements
- Assist you in course selection and vocational exploration
- Have posted office hours every week throughout the semester
- Return your emails and phone messages
- Take interest in you as individuals
Expectations of Students
You will be expected to:
- Contact your advisor ahead of time to make an appointment with him/her at least once a semester
- Respect his/her time and office hours
- Take responsibility for your own academic plans and progress