Website Projects

Website Projects

| Website Documentation / Getting Started

At Tyndale, new website sections, rebuilding of existing sections, as well as new website functionality are considered projects. Projects are managed on a web-based tool called Basecamp

Note: If we are migrating your website from the older website to this newer website, the process may look a little different than what is outlined below. Some site sections may be migrated "as-is" with using the new tools. Some site sections will be a complete rebuild from the ground up. We will communicate with you what type of site section migration we will be doing with you prior to beginning the project.

Project Request Process

  1. Request your project through the Tyndale HelpDesk or through an in-person meeting
  2. Your request is reviewed by the Tyndale Webteam
  3. If the project requires consulting (about 90% do) a meeting with the client will be scheduled.
  4. During the initial meeting a project planning process is completed to determine the scope of the project.
  5. Your project is assigned to Webteam member as project manager.
  6. Webteam prioritizes your project based on organizational goals and date required.
  7. If required, the project manager may create a project plan to outline project activities for each person involved. Projects are managed on a web-based tool called Basecamp. You may request access to Basecamp, an account will be setup for you if you do not already have one.
  8. If required, the project owner (you/your department) will begin to develop the content that will be needed for the project. This is sometimes completed by the Marketing office or in coordination with the Marketing office.
  9. Webteam members will develop all functionality required for the project including specific content types and content lists (views.)
  10. Webteam will (as required) train project owners on managing content.
  11. Content will be added by project owners and/or Webteam members.
  12. Your project will be reviewed and tested. After everything is ready it will be launched publicly.

proj·ect [n. proj-ekt] A temporary group of activities designed to produce a unique product, service or result. A project has a defined beginning and end in time, and has a defined scope and resources.

Basecamp Logo

Basecamp is a project collaboration tool that is used by Tyndale Marketing & Communications to help manage our projects. Basecamp accounts are available for all Tyndale employees and we would love to have you track with us on your project. To see what Basecamp is like and get a quick overview, check out these videos on Youtube