Tyndale Webteam

The Tyndale Webteam is part of the Marketing & Communications department — we build Tyndale's websites.

We host a limited amount of documentation here on Tyndale.ca (mostlty examples), the full documentation can be found at http://webhelp.tyndale.ca

Contact the Webteam

  • Need some help!? Submit a HelpDesk request and we will follow up with you. (Tyndale employees only)
  • Drop by! Our offices are on Level 400 in the D Wing — Andy is in room D405
  • General Questions? You can email us at webteam [at] tyndale [dot] ca. If you are asking for help, please use the HelpDesk first.
  • If your request is urgent, connect with us! — First, submit an HelpDesk request – we need to document it. After your request is submitted, you can drop by our office (D405). You can also call our phone extensions, but you may reach the wrong team member or possibly no one at all – we would prefer you drop by if the issue is urgent.
  • Think telepathic thoughts — Sometimes, if you think real hard, we can hear your thoughts and can send you the answers through our minds! « Okay, that’s not really true… we actually need to find other ways to communicate about your issues in order to help you — make sure you let us know!