Tyndale Webteam

Tyndale Webteam |

The Tyndale Webteam is part of the Marketing & Communications department — we build Tyndale's websites. We don't have much information on the site here as we are quite busy building websites for everyone else. 

Documentation for Tyndale employees who have access to manage website content is available and will continue to be developed as time allows.

Contact the Webteam

Need some help!? Submit a HelpDesk request and we will follow up with you. This works for Tyndale employees only

Other ways to connect…

Drop by! Our offices are on Level 400 in the D Wing — offices D404 and  D405. We are typically on campus Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We are also available to connect  on Teams

Have a question… You can email us at webteam@tyndale.ca. If you are asking for help, please use the HelpDesk first.

If your request is urgent, connect with us! — First, submit an HelpDesk request – we need to document it. After your request is submitted, you can drop by our office or connect with us on Teams. 

View All Documentation

Note: we are continuing to build out the documentation for our website users. More documentation will be available soon…