Spiritual Direction Internship

Spiritual Direction | Internship


This course was designed for those seeking to become certified spiritual directors. Students learn the art and practice of spiritual direction through weekly practices of soul care, teaching, supervised in-class sessions, group and individual supervision, as well as providing bi-weekly spiritual direction to directees.

Through these multi-faceted experiences, students explore their capacity to help others attend to God’s presence in their lives while living out a theology of love for God, self and others. The two courses run consecutively from September to April. Students must register for both courses.

Contact for a Spiritual Direction Internship Instructor at SDInternship@tyndale.ca


  • Successful interview with the instructor prior to June 30 for the following Fall semester
  • Two references letters submitted directly to the internship instructor from your two referees:
    • Spiritual Director
    • Christian Leader
  • Completion of SPIR 0601, SPIR 0609, SPIR 0610 and SPIR 0700
  • Clear Vulnerable Sector Check done prior to registering for the course
  • Meet with a Spiritual Director for a minimum of one year

Template to be provided by the Internship instructor after interview.

Spiritual Direction Internship

Both semesters will require the student to offer spiritual direction to a minimum of:

  • 5 spiritual directees

  • 30 hours per semester


Possible ministry opportunities for graduates are:

  • Private Practice

  • Spiritual Formation Pastor

  • Spiritual Formation Specialist at a Missionary/Parachurch Agency

Learning Outcomes

  1. Formulate a theological and biblical foundation for the practice of spiritual direction and practice theological reflection as the basis for ongoing conversion.
  2. Employ hospitable, deep listening as a means helping others attend more deeply to God’s presence and leading in their lives.
  3. Appraise and employ wisdom from key authors and literature pertaining to the ancient roots and contemporary practices of spiritual direction.
  4. Explain key components related to spiritual formation and direction, including but not limited to the contours of a healthy growing faith and spiritual pathways; deepening intimacy and prayer, God image, discernment, self-image and self-awareness; theological reflection, sin, suffering, forgiveness and healing; community, cultural sensitivity and growth “for the sake of others” (Reference: Spiritual Direction Competencies, 2021-2022).
  5. Practice listening prayer, ongoing reflection and supervision as essential to personal maturation and integrity of practice.
  6. Recognize one’s gifts and growing edges, posture and ongoing discernment related to the (ongoing) call of spiritual direction.