Non-Profit Organizational Leadership

Tyndale Seminary Non-Profit Organizational Leadership


The Non-Profit Organizational Leadership concentration in the Doctor of Ministry Leadership Track focuses on Organizational Leadership specifically for non-profit Christian organizations from multiple sectors (international development, missions, denominational, para-church etc.). It combines theory with practice, theology with ministry, and collaborative learning with individual projects. Students work on three major projects and complete their program with an integrated research portfolio.

Together, students will learn principles of effective organizational and foundational theories leadership, explore relevant research findings and cultural/sociological/psychological dynamics, and develop awareness of alternative models for understanding and leading individuals and teams in business and professional organizations in a global world. In tandem, you will be shaped by organizational leadership best practices and dynamics in the core disciplines of strategic planning, governance, finance and development.

The Non-Profit Organizational Leadership concentration in the Doctor of Ministry Leadership Track is a cohort model, with some sequenced courses. Students will complete 12 courses within 3 years, with distance learning and residency phases each year.

The Post-DMin Certificate is designed for people who already have a DMin but want to take additional courses as continued education. Students will complete 3 courses within 3 years.

Program Options

Doctor of Ministry

Number of courses: 12

Duration: 3 years

Post-Doctor of Ministry Certificate

Number of courses: 3

Duration: 3 years

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