Communicating the Gospel

Tyndale Seminary Communicating the Gospel


The Doctor of Ministry (DMin) in Leadership with a Concentration in Communicating the Gospel provides theological and practical support to ministry leaders in communicating the gospel in all contexts where people of faith are living. This includes congregational settings, digital ministries, overseas mission fields, and other diverse spaces such as children and youth ministries, music ministries, and parachurch ministries. This concentration will explore the continued cultural and contextual relevance of the biblical text being proclaimed in creative, innovative, and effective ways. It will also support leaders to develop greater proficiency in the theory and practice of diverse forms of gospel communication such as preaching, storytelling, and evangelism.

Program Format and Courses


The Communicating the Gospel concentration is delivered using a cohort model, with some sequenced courses. Students will complete 12 courses within three to four years, with distance learning and residency phases each year.

Post DMin Certificate

A Post-DMin Certificate is also available. This certificate is designed for people who already have a DMin but want to take additional courses as continued education. Students will complete 3 courses within 3 years. 

Who Should Enrolment

  • Preachers, teachers, evangelists, and missionaries who want to grow in contemporary and innovative communication of the gospel
  • Online influencers and digital media specialists who are communicating the gospel in unique ways in digital spaces
  • Leaders working in diverse ministry spaces such as children and youth ministries, parachurch organizations, and so on.

Program Options

Doctor of Ministry

Number of courses: 12

Duration: 3 years

Post-Doctor of Ministry Certificate

Number of courses: 3

Duration: 3 years