Christian History

Tyndale Seminary Christian History


This concentration will develop your capacity for careful analysis and critical thinking through the study of Christian history. The concentration courses offer insights into the history of Christian mission, theology and spirituality.  It will also help students in this age understand – and derive wisdom from – Christianity’s historical engagements with culture, society and politics, both locally and globally.

Integrative Studies

Tyndale’s history concentration is designed to integrate several areas of theological studies, including history, theology, apologetics, world religions, story-telling and cultural studies. You will gain the knowledge, skills and tools to be an effective reader and analyzer of history and be prepared for church and marketplace ministries or for continued education in your future.

Holistic Approach

The program offers the opportunity to learn both the local Canadian and global histories of the Church. You will learn about the different periods and events in Church history, encountering a diversity of great men and women of the universal Church, including missionaries, theologians, ecclesiastical leaders and spiritual models. You will also holistically study the diverse approaches, perspectives and practices of several Christian traditions and churches through the world and during different periods.

Academic and Applied

Academic courses offer knowledge of the past and will equip you with the needed tools to exegete the past and the present. You will grow to understand the story of the Church in its original social, historical, religious and cultural contexts and seek to appropriate its history in our contemporary context, allowing you to implement lessons from the past into your preaching, your personal and group studies and teachings and your engagement with the world.


You will study in a contemporary, multicultural and denominationally diverse Christian community. Professors will tailor and teach courses to help you understand and address the issues relevant to today’s Church. Courses are not taught only from a western-centric perspective but will explore the teachings and lives of men and women from a variety of Eastern, African, Middle-Eastern and Indigenous backgrounds.

Focuses Within the Concentration

Students can specify certain areas of research, depending on their specific needs, including, but not limited to, early Christianity, Canadian and Indigenous Christianity, Christian traditions, denominations and inter-religious relations.

Program Options

Graduate Diploma

Number of courses: 9

Duration: 1 year

Completed as a Concentration in Christian History

Master of Theological Studies

Number of courses: 18

Duration: 2 years

Completed as a Concentration in Christian History

Master of Divinity

Number of courses: 27

Duration: 3 years

Concentration in Christian History

MDiv, MTS and Graduate Diploma students may use their elective courses to complete a four-course concentration in Christian History.

Learn more about Concentrations ›