Chinese Theological Education
Tyndale Seminary Chinese Theological Education
CCSTT (Mandarin)
加拿大華人神學院 (多倫多)
道學碩士課程 (MDiv) 及 神學硏究碩士課程 (MTS)
Overview 綜覽
Mandarin is the language of instruction.
Master of Divinity (MDiv)
Three year program with Pastoral Ministry Major and Global Mission Major are offered to all who desire to enter full time ministries.
Pastoral Ministry Major
The program is designed to prepare pastors, church planters, and Christian workers who are able to minister in Canada and around the world.
Global Mission Major
The program is designed to prepare missionaries, supportive workers for mission agencies, and missional pastors in Canada and around the world.
Internships are required in every semester during the program. It integrates sound biblical, theological and historical foundation with practical real life pastoral/missional experiences. Mission trips and field experiences are built in the program.
Master of Theological Studies (MTS)
is designed to develop theological understanding for general educational purposes and enrichment, or for further graduate study. Students in this two year program will enhance their lay ministry involvement at local churches, Christian organizations and market places.
Mandarin is the language of instruction. Faculties and syllabi are all approved by the Academic Planning Committee of Tyndale. Academic standing is rigorously maintained. Library and reference materials are both in English and Chinese so that students are well versed in both languages. Community life, small group, and chapel are designed to foster personal, interpersonal, spiritual and ministerial development.
Bursaries and scholarships are available for full time students.
透過天道神學院(Tyndale)與加拿大華人神學教育協會(ACCTE)的緊密合作,加拿大華人神學院多倫多校區 <CCST (Toronto)> 得以建立,為蒙召、有心志事奉的信徒 ,提供以中文國語授課,設合不同需要的碩士學位課程,學位為美加神學協會(ATS) 所認證。
道學碩士課程 (M.Div) 為三年制,並設兩門主修課程,教牧主修以聖經、神學、歷史為核心課程,並配合實際的牧會經驗、具體華人文化、靈命塑造操練、教會歷史反省、近代領袖培育、 教會工場實習、暑期短宣參與等方面,來裝備這時代教會合用的工人。 宣教主修結合聖經神學與實際宣教經驗、華人文化與跨越文化、宣教士靈命塑造與操練、宣教歷史與反省、實地宣教工場實習、暑期短宣參與、本地跨文化宣教及海 外宣教工場事奉等方面,來裝備這時代合用的宣教工人。
神學硏究碩士課程(MTS) 為二年制,以聖經神學為基礎,並配合實際的教會事奉經驗、具體華人文化、靈命塑造與操練、屬靈領袖培育、教會教導職事、職場與信仰實踐等方面,來裝備信徒參與教會領導及教導事奉,並於生活及職場中為主作見證。
「加神 (多倫多)」 強調校內的群體生活、老師的實際指導、同學的生命交流、牧者的實習引導,來塑造一個傳道人的道德品格、事奉心志 和恩賜才能,並鼓勵學生以全時間修讀。入學申請者需具有學士學位或同等學歷,得所屬教會牧者及其他人推薦。
CCST Toronto Leadership
Interim Principal: Rev. Dr. Harding Ng
Vice-Principal, Administration: Dr. Kok-Swang Tan
For more information about CCSTT and other programs please visit the CCST website