Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives on Trauma

Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives on Trauma

COUN 0695 — 3 Credit Hours

Provides the student with a comprehensive exploration of the psychological trauma field. Included is the history, current theoretical frameworks (including socio-cultural), the nature of trauma (physical, emotional, sexual abuse, combat, natural disasters, collective trauma, i.e. COVID-19, neglect, etc.), biopsychosocial underpinnings of trauma, PTSD, and complex trauma. Assessment issues, clinical diagnostic considerations, how trauma affects individuals and systems, grief responses/disenfranchised grief, and traumatic stress will be examined. Also included is the exploration of the professional’s response to trauma, vicarious traumatization, crisis intervention, comorbid disorders, psychological and social factors that influence the self’s comprehension of a traumatic experience and how that experience shapes and is shaped by language. Finally, students will review evidence-based practices in the trauma field, and general treatment issues. Prerequisites: COUN 0574 and COUN 0677.

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