Israel Study Tour: Historical Geography of the Bible

Israel Study Tour: Historical Geography of the Bible

BIBL 0603 — 3 Credit Hours

A study tour that combines travel with lectures and readings to provide students with a rich, on-site learning experience. Students will spend three full weeks in Israel visiting sites throughout the country that formed the stage on which so many biblical events were played out. The tour will move region by region, spending time in Jerusalem and Judea, Benjamin, the Coastal Plain, the Negeb, the Dead Sea area, the Jordan Valley, the Galilee and the Golan Heights. In each area, students will learn about its geography and archaeology, exploring how the features of each area shaped the history of its people. Attention will also be given to the imagery and symbolism connected with each region in both the Old and New Testaments. Within the Seminary this may count as NEWT or OLDT elective.

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