Research Support Fund
The Research Support Fund assists Canadian post-secondary institutions with the indirect costs of conducting research. Indirect costs may include expenses such as property maintenance, the provision and maintenance of space and equipment, insurance, utilities, library services, financial services, administrative support and staff services not charged directly to a funded project.
Tyndale University allocates indirect costs to the Research Support Fund grants in the following categories:
Research Resources
The Research Support Fund assists researchers at Tyndale by enabling access to library holdings at multiple institutions, as well as information technology resources including research data sets and repositories.
Management and Administration
The Research Support Fund covers the salaries of personnel that assist in the preparation of research grant proposals, infrastructure grant proposals, daily administration of research grants, preparation of financial and outcomes reports, strategic research planning, and the promotion of research activity and outcomes.
In cases where a full-time resource is not required, a portion of the salary of those involved may be changed to the Research Support Fund commensurate with the time invested in the project.
Regulatory Requirements and Accreditation
Depending on the nature of a research project, a portion of the Research Support Fund may be applied to provide administrative support to the Research Ethics Board and to ethics training of faculty and student researchers, ensuring that research conducted at Tyndale adheres to best practices.
Intellectual Property
Depending on the nature of a research project, a portion of the Research Support Fund may be used to cover the administrative and legal costs associated with the development of commercial contracts, multi-institutional intellectual property agreements, and licensing agreements.
Research Facilities
Research facilities at Tyndale are maintained by the faculties/schools in which they are housed. Depending on the physical space required for a research project, the Research Support Fund may be charged for proportional share of facilities costs based on square footage used.
Equipment upgrades, maintenance and operating costs associated with research infrastructure acquired for a grant would be charged to the Research Support Fund.
Data Management Plan
Policy Guidelines
Tri-Agency Financial Administration
Read the Principles and Directives That Govern Post-Award Administration of Grants
Tyndale Research Fund Management
Read the Statement of Policy and Procedure