Luther As Spiritual Advisor: The Interface Of Theology And Piety In Luther's Devotional Writings

Luther As Spiritual Advisor: The Interface Of Theology And Piety In Luther's Devotional Writings

By Dennis Ngien

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Most Luther scholars have focused largely on the polemical side of the reformer with only occasional allusion to his Devotional Writings. The aim of this book is to unfold the pastoral, not the polemical, side of the reformer, drawing on the spiritual insights he offers to people of high and low estate. These writings are devotional and catechectial in shape and intent, yet not devoid of rich theological substance, the fruit of his rigorous reflections. They are the exercises of Luther's basic calling as a theologian-pastor and are the concrete illustrations of the interface of theology and piety, the former being the abiding presupposition of the latter. Dr Ngien's work reveals Luther as a true theologian, i.e., theologian of the cross at work in the pastoral context.

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ISBN/ISSN: 978-1842274613

Published in: 2007

Publisher: STL Distribution North America