Father Andrew Hogan and Social Activism, 1945-1980
Father Andrew Hogan and Social Activism, 1945-1980
By Dr. Eric Crouse
Andrew Hogan's graduation with a Bachelor of Arts degree from St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia in 1945 launched a vigorous and fulfilling adventure in social activism. Having been shaped by the Antigonish Movement as a student and then ordained a priest in 1949, Father Hogan sought to serve people in need. As an economist, sociologist, educator, and priest, Hogan preached social justice in the classroom and on radio and television. In 1974, he became the federal New Democratic Party candidate for Cape Breton-East Richmond and won at the polls, thus becoming the first Roman Catholic priest in Canadian history to be elected to the House of Commons. He was victorious again in the 1979 election, but lost a tight election the following year. The story of Father Andrew Hogan demonstrates how a Roman Catholic priest in eastern Nova Scotia galvanized by the Antigonish Movement, embraced ecumenism and social activism and strove to integrate the sacred and secular spheres of life that assisted both Catholics and Protestants [p. 59].
Read or Buy OnlinePeer Reviewed Article
Issue #: Spring 2005
Pages: 59-74
Volume #: XLVII
Article in: Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society
Published in: 2005
Publisher: Canadian Church Historical Society