Apocalyptic Son of Man in the Gospel of John

Apocalyptic Son of Man in the Gospel of John
By Benjamin E. Reynolds
Softcover New Benjamin E. Reynolds demonstrates that the Johannine Son of Man is an apocalyptic figure and that the background of this apocalyptic figure canbe traced to the "one like a son of man" from Daniel 7 and the interpretations of this figure in Jewish apocalyptic literature. The author argues that "Son of Man" does not function to draw attention to Jesus' humanity, nor is it synonymous with "Son of God". "Son of Man" may overlap in meaning with other titles, but it points to aspects of Jesus' identity that are not indicated by any other title. Along with the other titles, it helps to present a richer Christological portrait of the Johannine Jesus.
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ISBN/ISSN: 3161497260
Published in: 2008