Music Audition Form

Once you have applied to Tyndale, please complete the form below.

Audition Information

Personal Information
Audition Format
Music Experience
Have you played in any instrumental ensembles?
Have you sung in any vocal ensembles?
In which music program do you intend to enroll?
What would your primary area of study be as a music major or minor?
Do you have Grade 6 or higher of Royal Conservatory of Music in piano?
Additional Audition Information
I would like to request Tyndale's provided accompanist (free of change) for my audition:

An accompanist is required for all vocal and guitar performance program auditions. If you would like to request our provided accompanist from the Tyndale Music Department, please contact Professor Joy Lee at and email a PDF copy of your two audition pieces to her at least 3 days before your audition.