Church and Community Survey Results
In the fall of 2011, Tyndale University College & Seminary conducted a survey to find out how churches and individuals, primarily located in Ontario, are involved in their communities. The goal was to start a conversation exploring how churches and individuals in the Tyndale community are interacting with, and being part of, the larger community. In all, 343 churches and 710 individuals responded to the survey.
The quantitative results of the survey be found in an infographic that is featured in the recently released issue of Tyndale: the Magazine. There were a large number and variety of responses to the qualitative questions and the passion of the respondents was evident in many of the answers. The responses to the qualitative questions on how churches and individuals are engaging their community, the challenges they face, and how they would like to see the church and community interact in the future, were too many to summarize on one page. Thus, the qualitative answers to the survey questions were spread throughout the magazine in word art format. To find out which answers are found on which page, go to the back page of the print edition to find the index.
To read more, check out the Church and Community section in the Spring/Summer 2012 Tyndale Magazine.