Michael Winnowski

 Accepting new clients
Offers meeting in-person, by Internet

About Michael Winnowski

The world we live in lures us into a relentless pursuit of happiness, and burdens us with the need to succeed. Jesus invites everyone who is weary and burdened to come and find rest for our souls. Spiritual Direction is about helping people accept that invitation. I’ve been on that journey for a while now, and I would be honoured to share part of your journey into a more abundant life in Jesus. I’ve served as a pastor in the US as well as Ontario and Quebec. I enjoy reading, art, music, biking, and walking with my wife on the Toronto boardwalk. I’m available Monday (9-5), Wednesday (9-1, 7-10), or other times as mutually agreed (online or in person). Please email mwinnowski@gmail.com Grace and peace!