Module 4 – Dealing with Disenfranchised Grief

Event Date(s): Sat, 2025/02/08 - 9:00am to 3:00pm
Event Location: Online - Zoom
Event Type: Tyndale Spiritual Formation Centre

This module will explore the nature of disenfranchised grief by understanding the language of grief and loss. Disenfranchised grief can include suicide, traumatic death, and other losses that are challenging to process because they are unacknowledged avoided, or not legitimized. The second part of this module will provide training in setting up a support recovery group. This will include guidelines for groups, intake forms, the content of a good group, and learning to be a facilitator.

Learning Objectives:

  • You will understand the various types of disenfranchised losses in their contextual setting
  • You will learn various interventions and techniques to use in addressing disenfranchised loss
  • You will know how to establish grief support groups
  • Guidelines to care for the care giver
Keith Taylor

Dr. Keith Taylor B.Th., M.Div., D.Min.


Formerly Keith was a Chaplain Palliative Care, Southlake Regional Health Centre. He also worked as a Trauma Clinician, Trauma Management Group, Ottawa and was a Trainer for the Toronto North Command Firefighters for Critical Stress Incidents. Previously he was also the Director, Genesis Bereavement Resource Centre in Newmarket.

Presently, Keith serves as the Senior Pastor, Newmarket Church of the Nazarene. He is a Member of the Association for Death Education and Counselling. Keith is a grief educator and seminar speaker. Founder/Director: Handle with Care. Bereavement Counselling Services and author of, Well-Intentioned People Say Dumb Things: Practical advice for comforting those who are grieving.

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