Stacey Campbell

Ms Stacey Campbell

Sessional Instructor

 Email: scampbell [at]

Academic Credentials

MDiv, Tyndale University, 2013
CTIP (Certified Trauma Informed Care Practitioner), ATTCH 2021
RJP (Restorative Justice Counsellor and Practitioner), Prison Fellowship International, Medellín, Colombia, 2022
Facilitator & Trainer – How to De-Escalate Potentially Violent Situations, Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute, Winnipeg, MB, 2022
Ordained Minister in the Province of Ontario, Canadian Christian Ministries, 2021
Critical Incident Debriefing Circle Facilitator, Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute, 2020
Vicarious Trauma Certified Workshop Facilitator, Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute, 2020

Areas of Specialization

Prison Ministry, Restorative Practice, Restorative Justice, Offender Mediation, Trauma Integration, Crisis Management, Leadership, Corporate Governance


Stacey serves as the President & CEO of Prison Fellowship Canada, a national ministry organization that prepares and mobilizes the Canadian Church community in response to the issue of crime and the restoration of offenders.

Stacey has been with the organization since 2009 and together with her team, she has grown the ministry in both capacity and depth. Her unique ability has brought the ministry’s vision, growth, and stewardship into a regionalized and aligned system that moves from strategy to goal setting to tactical execution without losing sight of the ministry on the ground. Stacey uses the skills and training she honed from 25 years in the business world where she owned and operated a mid-sized marketing company.

Stacey is currently writing her thesis and is a candidate for a Doctor of Ministry degree in Restorative Justice through Acadia University. Stacey has consulted with Universities in Canada and the United States in the area of Restorative Justice and worked with Claremont Theological Seminary in California to produce a curriculum on Compassion.

Stacey has volunteered for 15 years in both the federal and provincial corrections in Canada attending jails and prisons on a weekly basis to deliver programs as well as manage caseloads for specialized spiritual care. She is a certified trauma integration practitioner and a trained practitioner in theophostic Inner Healing. Her work also includes preaching, spiritual counselling, mentoring, and facilitating restorative justice circles with offenders and surrogate victims both inside the institution and in community.

Stacey believes in a response to crime that veers away from both punitive and moralistic programming. Stacey preaches and teaches on subjects that she is passionate about including confession, repentance, forgiveness, the Canadian prison system, trauma, resilience, and justice.

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