Church in the Making: Patristic Christianity [HIST 0611 1S]

 Course Dates: Monday June 3, 2024 to Monday June 24, 2024
 Instructor: Dr. Ashoor Yousif
 Course Type: Synchronous Online
 Course Syllabus (PDF)

Course Description

The Patristic era (2nd-7th centuries) was a monumental period in defining and shaping Christianity theologically and ecclesiastically. This course will survey this period through examining key Christian men and women, who represent crucial historical events and themes, produced rich literary heritage, played defining roles in church affairs, and impacted Christianity in major ways in late antiquity. The selective examples will be considered from different historical contexts and ecclesiastical traditions.

Prerequisite: HIST 0561.

This is a synchronous online course being held on 4 Mondays. See syllabus for details.

Course Status

This is a Synchronous Online course
 This course has already run
 This course is available as an Audit course
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