Hudson Taylor Centre for Chinese Ministries

Sunday School Matters / 成人主日學課程

A team of Tyndale alunmi seeks to serve Chinese Churches in Toronto through teaching and equipping ministries.  Upon invitation, we engage in meeting the needs of Adult Sunday School teaching. 

主日學教導事工 Sunday School Matters 一班天道神學院的畢業生,願意在教導和裝備門徒的事工上,服事多倫多華人眾教會: 中心


Sunday School Matters Brochure / 『成人主日學課程』簡章

Sunday School Teacher Requisition Form / 『成人主日學』申請表

Please contact us for more details / 查詢有關事工可與中心聯絡: thtc [dot] ssm [at] tyndale [dot] ca